I agree Scott. If I had to make a choice and really wanted to have another Yamaha arranger, the next one would be a Tyros. I'd still rather have the speakers, but I can live without them. Poor key feel / response is another issue and I can't live with that.
I wish that the Tyros would have followed the design of the 9k pro, but then again somehow Yamaha determined that most of it's hi end arranger customers didn't need 76 keys or desire sampling or plug in board access. Actually I don't need the 76 keys either, not on my arranger anyway. Still, I've considered getting a Tyros somewhere down the road. Maybe instead I'll wait a year or two and see if something I like better from Yamaha comes along.
As far as the "itty bitty " toy remark. Sorry if saying this bothers anyone, but ya know what? That's how it feels in my hands too..
Does it do any good to complain and go on ? Maybe not.. I know it probably annoys some folks and I think Yamaha itself looks at it's arranger customers differently than it's Motif customer ( translated.. home player vs pro / studio / band player.. not that I agree with this.. just the way I thjink they look at it )
Then again, my friend Scott knows that sometimes if you make something enough of an issue someone will listen.. Rootless jazz chord recognition issue come to mind.. Right Scotty ?
[This message has been edited by Bluezplayer (edited 10-15-2003).]