I'm with UD on this one, but with a nod to what Scott says too. Although I can tell a difference in key size immediately when going from the PA80 to the Motif ES, I can adjust back and forth with no problem. What makes it bad for me on the 2000 / 740 etc is the flimsy key feel.

I just can't get the right feel for my solos and even some of my rythym work on such flimsy keys, and it definitely affects my expressiveness. I've owned and played on all kinds of boards and really all were ok and I was able to adjust to most of them with no difficulty.. that was until I had the 530 / 740 / 2000.

I can easily play the Tyros and adjust with no problem, but the key feel is a good bit sturdier on the Tyros. I'd have gotten a Tyros instead of an ES if it were more practical for me ( it sounds great ) .. I could live without the speakers ( though I don't want to ). Lack of plug in capability and powerful editing features along with a few other things kept me from spending the bucks on it though.

I dunno UD.. maybe the kn7k for now, then by the time you're tired of it maybe the PA1x will be out and you can play with that one for a bit...


[This message has been edited by Bluezplayer (edited 10-12-2003).]