Mike's right on the money. When you see a Triton on stage with a band....it's a pretty good bet that they are not utilizing all the capabilities in that unit, so why fret about having a built in rhythm unit that can be silenced during live play with a real band?
Isn't it funny that we say things like "real band" and everyone knows what we mean? It's odd that the term even needs to be used.
I see more and more signs for "Live Karaoke" around town ... what the hell is THAT?
What's the alternative?
Simple fact: Pro players need to be flexible, so why not have a solid, hi quality kb arranger that can do triple duty as a stage controller, a solo arranger, and a hotel room workstation?
Makes sense to me that they'd sell a gang of these. Make it right, and the price point won't even matter to the pros, because we won't need to have multiple pieces to accopmplish mutiple tasks.
Just some food for thought.
The 9000Pro is the closest thing to the ideal triple threat so far, but it's missing that one feature that many solo entertainers love - speakers. (The PSR9000 was an entirely different beast, so don't compare the 2 either.)
I am anxious to see if Korg may be the first to approach this territory with their "alledged" 61 key entry later this winter. Wait and see.
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