Hi Mike,
Unless a survey in conducted, we will never know if there are more Yamaha users like Uncle, mad

with those baby keys, right?
I agree with you, the sales success of a keyboard reflects a combination of many factors and features (and sounds & styles are indeed a strong point for Yamaha). It's the final compromise that is under judgment by potencial costumers, and not a particular feature. As long as they sell, Yamaha is not going to question their old choice for the key size.
Gary, I have another Yamaha keyboard at home, a DGX300, and while its price is around 1/5 of the price of the Tyros, it has full size keys (however, I slighly prefer the way keys react to pressure on the Tyros). Believe it or not, the difference is visually noticeable (not only the size but also the shape) and when played in a piano style, with both hands, I can perfectly tell the difference. When I play these keyboards as arrangers are usually played, demading less hand skills, either I hardly tell the difference or I unconsciously quickly adapt to both shapes/sizes. So, in this point, I'm quite in peace with Yamaha.
I think Uncle Dave toke my first post on the subject too seriously, althought I abundantly used smileys

Absolutely no intention to comment on your "love life", Dave. I thought that the key size was just an excuse for you to get rid of the Tyros

-- José.
[This message has been edited by matias (edited 10-14-2003).]