OK fellow SZ members here are my T2 thoughts as of now almost 2 months of gigging almost every day & night.....
Do I love it? yes & no........Are there better arrangers there that I haven't played yet? Probably, that's an unknown at this time being I haven't played the Genesys, Pa1x, G70/E80,60,50,SD5,Wersi Abacus.......But as far as T2 there is a lot to do to make it your OWN so that it will be usable in a professional live playing situation on stage .......IMO The SA voices are not what they are cracked up to be for my uses and really need to be "played as constructed" & many times in a real situations especially when RT hand comping is required the SA voices are totally useless & need to be replaced by the very good sweet,cool, & regular voices and some of the GM voices which aren't too bad at all.
Yes the SA voices are a great way to market the T2 and sound great in the demos but under real world playing for a pro musician they pretty much are exclusive & really need to be played as designed & being everyone playes differently conforming to Yamaha's requested playing method for these SA voices becomes very annoying & useless for my needs, yea they are great for a player who uses them as LEAD MELODY voices when NOT being a Singer, but as an Accomp rt hand its difficult to control.....I have had to replace many of them to make the T2 sound good for me.
Secondly the Left Hand accomp INITIAL touch control is useless for my needs and the way that I bang the key resulting in me almost dumping the T2 after the first week. Now I have recently had the time to go back and change & shut off all left hand INITIAL touch control "per registration" vs a global shutoff Arggg! to achieve a better flowing constant accomp volume throughout the song.
Now as you all well know the MONO issue with the T2 is horrible to my ears....I have to play in Stereo to be able to be happy enough sound wise to keep the T2 otherwise I yearn for my Ketron Midjay and controller KB with my Bose PAS system that I just got rid of which sounded great in MONO.....my life musically is not like many others, when you have to make a living playing music very day to survive.....& being happy to go to work & play in a happy mood with the tools you use is essential..........100%....if not then my heart & mind starts to wander & yearns for a better solution........!! I know so many people love their T2 & honestly I am not knocking it but rather just voicing my personal opinions and as player/singer using the KB....there are many hours of homework, tweaking, editng, replacing, etc etc involved with the T2 to make it your own...........as there are so many very good things included onboard also that I havnt mentioned yet....thankyou for listening to my rant & I would love to hear your honest personal T2 opinions also PRO/CON? As for me Im making it work gig after gig.....its a good tool & how you configure it & Tweak/EQ makes all the difference BIG TIME!!!
Personal Pros....:
Hd Recorder
Display Screen
Mixing console/editing/efx/Eq's
Seperate Mic Vol knob
Aux Inputs
2 Mic Inputs
Multi pads
Most Voices & Styles
Hard Drive
Large lit Buttons
Online Support
Exterior design/shape, sharp corners
Sequencer navagation lags from HD takes too long to get to song folders etc etc in real time.
Registration bank Navagation needs inprovement access in real time
SA voices with dropouts in polyphony due to block harmonies mostly on Brass pads
No global part INITIAL touch on/off
Not MONO friendly....but sounds great in Stereo
[This message has been edited by Dnj (edited 06-17-2006).]