I think it's really a matter of tweaking things the way you like them and getting used to the sounds and touch of any new instrument. I know it's taken me awhile every time I made a switch.

Sure I can play them "alright" but to get my personal sounds style down takes time and mainly patience.

I went from Lowrey organs which were a breeze because they were set up for senior hobbyists with little or no real parameters for change, so you just found the sounds and styles you liked and ignored the rest.

From there to the KN1000, still pretty organ oriented, but with a lot of tweaking possiblities which I didn't fool with then, just played it like the arranger organs.

Then the PSR2000. A new challenge. I drove myself nuts with it for a long time, mostly because of all the choices for personal settings. Then after getting used to it, the sounds the styles and even putting about 600 songs in the Music Finder, and having it just the way I liked it, and I really, really did like it.

Then I got the Tyros 1. It took me weeks before I felt I made a good decision. Even though I tried it out 3 times before I new I liked it. But, I didn't get one for several months. Over a long period of time, I got more and more used to it, got used to the touch so I could use the inflection that was important to my ears in order to sound good. Had to redo the whole Music Finder, etc, etc. Grrrrrrrr

Fiddled with a PSR3000 and a Midjay before I realized that all they were doing was taking my time away from the Tyros and after working to get used to the touch of the 3000 found it uncomfortable to switch back to the Tyros.

So I made the decision to dump them and concentrate on the Tyros,

Then I get the Tyros 2. I thought it would be a very close switch from the Tryos 1. Not for me. Too many changes. A major portion of it is really mainly getting used to it, and working with what is there. Along with getting your personal setting. Thank goodness Michael Bedesem has the program now were you can transfer the Music Finder info from one to the other quite easily.

I am still getting used to the new key feel. Being more of an organist than a pianist, I preferred the touch of the Tyros 1, as it has the soft organ touch.

Have I been frustrated with the Tyros 2 on occasion, yes, just like evey other new instrument.

Is there a better choice out there for me. No. Not any in that weight catogory which is something that is important to me.

So, there's my slant on it. I would prefer "instant arranger keyboard" right now because I'm busy enough as it is. But, I know that I made the best choice, especially in getting it now when it has first come out on the market. Because now when I get the brainy idea of swichting to a new keyboard, I'm pretty sure it will be a quite a while before there is another super duper have to have keyboard

Scott Langholff