Originally posted by Impuls:
I disagree youre statement about the V,harmonizer, it's much better than on the T1 & 3000.
I have no problem to play with the SA voices,never heard a dropout, ?? explane ?
I have never heard a synth/keyboard with a decent sound in Mono, it is made for stereo !
I agree about the desing, too sharp and why
again silver. . .
I wish they made a Tyros with real drawbars and audio synchronisation with the wave player, it would be perfect(and 76 keys:-)
I tough that the T2 was the best worldwide keyboard, the absolute perfection at all..L-)
Impuls, are you maybe asking the features of the T3 or T4?
Anyway, finally one HONEST reply and test from DNJ, for sure now all the other manufactures are reading and interesyed how this post will continue....