Originally posted by Dnj:
Scott.....so then I guess your not the T2 tweak king?

I don't know if you'd consider me the tweak king, but I certainly find it worth spending time tweaking Tyros2's sound to get them to sound better than ever. My reply was specifically meant to concur with Dennis' following quote:

Originally posted by TwoNuts:
it still comes down to your ability to play the damn thing with skill and precision.

Tweaking , though certainly a critically important element, is still only part of the mix. Devoting time to arr keyboard practicing, including mastering SA voice keyboard emulation skills, is equally important. There are no SHORTUCTS to keyboard musicianship, and because music's a lifelong journey, I hope to continue learning new keyboard playing techniques for years to come. It's important to realize it can take far longer than 2 months to get settled in with a new keyboard. Before even considering trading one's current keyboard in for another, I'd give it at least 6 months (minimum) before even considering that option. A keyboard is like a marriage. It takes commitment to make it work. - Scott