Originally posted by Dnj:
Terry I agree with you.....

In adddition the Tyros 2 needs as much attention to playing skills as it is to tweaking skills to get the sound YOU desire out of its many facets......

I tend to think that quite often, owners of these various keyboards spend more time tweaking them than playing them. I believe that on whole I can play just about any keyboard and make it sing. I guess I'm missing out by not spending all the time I should by resetting all the factory parameters.
I guess I just don't get it. With the exception of Mike telling me about my recordings clipping (Thanks Mike) I don't really see all the fuss about how terrible a keyboard can be and then by tweaking it a little it turns magically into something new. I know that no matter how stellar and technologicaly advanced these things become it still comes down to your ability to play the damn thing with skill and precision.



[This message has been edited by TwoNuts (edited 06-24-2006).]

Dennis L. Almond