Hi Donny

I understand what you say. I loved the G1000 that I used to play, the sounds, the feel. But frankly, in the job I do, as Music Director at our church and in gigs at Nursing homes, I need portability.

I owned the Korg Pa1X for a while, loved the touch and sound, but it was too heavy and too hard to learn how to use.

The T2 is easy to figure out, has a great user interface and is light. That's a big deal to me. That's why I like my Yamaha StagePAS system too. The sound is fabulous for the money and size, far richer than the Z2200 I used to use, and again is relatively light to carry around.

I really want a 76 key keyboard, but again I won't trade off the portability of my T2. It's just the best compromise. When the other manufacturers figure out that that's what we need, then there'll be some competition for Yamaha.

Unless, of course, I get a road crew (it's never going to happen!).

Graham, Korg Pa1000, Korg G1 Air, Countryman E6, Roland BA330, 2 x Roland CM-30, , Mackie SRM150