You're right Donny. There will never be a perfect arranger or one that suit everybodies personal needs or preferences. I think when a new product comes out though that we the consumer will choose to vote with our wallet on the product that most closely resembles the ideal product for our specific needs and the product that proves to be the most functional and musically cohesive. If I were thinking about purchasing a keyboard and one of the keyboards was musically consonant and the other was musically dissonant you can rest assured I would buy the one that was musically consonant. If enough people felt the same way and passed on the Pa series then maybe Korg would wake up and correct this anomaly with the fill-ins. Apparently the Pa series is selling well enough that Korg isn't willing to satisfy the rest of the buyers and potential buyers that have complained about the fill-in issue. It is possible that since the Pa series is extremely popular with Ethnic populations and sales of the Pa series are quite brisk in that area that Korg doesn't feel a need to resolve the issue because sales are adequate enough the way it is. As a side, go to youtube and type in Pa800 and you will see what I mean about the Pa series being a hot item with Ethnic populations. But if enough people passed on the Pa series you can bet that Korg would finally step in and resolve the issue or risk losing an even greater potential consumer base.

When there is talk about the Korg Pa1x/Pa2x having the same variation fill-in problems that were present on the Pa80 from years past it shows me (and others) that Korg still hasn't got it right and unfortunately many people who would have otherwise gotten the Pa2x may now have second thoughts because of these continuing unresolved issues. Does Korg care? Maybe not since this aberration with the variation fill-ins is still apparently going to be an issue with the Pa2x as well. Korg may not see the fill-in/variation issue as an aberration but many people who have purchased their Pa series arrangers see it differently. Just look on the Korg Pa Forums if you're unsure. So is the customer King in Korg's eyes? You decide, but in my estimation they are lacking somewhat - or a whole lot, depending on your point of view.

For my money I want something that is musically expressive, authentic sounding, and fluid in its operation. Getting two out of three on the Pa series is not too shabby I guess. But if it is not fixed on the Pa2x and/or Korg has no intention of fixing it with an OS update (if indeed the Pa2x has the problem), then I too shall pass on the Pa2x unfortunately. I know, I know, I'm picky.. but at four, count 'em 4 $$$$ Grand, it's better to be picky than sorry in my opinion. And at the same time "safe than sorry" also.

Yamaha Genos, Mackie HR824 MKII Studio Monitors, Mackie 1202 VLZ Pro Mixer (made in USA), Cakewalk Sonar Platinum, Shure SM58 vocal mic.