No, Donny. Just SAYING there's nothing wrong with them doesn't change the facts. There are only two fills for the entire style, unless you forego the Break/Fill. And then there are three.

Compared to six for Roland, and five for Yamaha, that cannot help but make for jumpier fills, and several posts (mrdave and Dreamer articulate it well) acknowledge the problem.

Just SAYING it ain't so doesn't MAKE it so, and the fact that you rarely ever have anything critical to say about an arranger you own until AFTER you have sold it cannot help but make us pay somewhat less attention to the spin...

The sad fact is, if the PA800 had six fills, and the PSR S900 had only two, you would be the FIRST to pooh-pooh the contention that 'two are enough'!

Can you GET BY with two...? Well, apparently, yes, you seem OK with it. But if you DID have more, you certainly wouldn't complain about it!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!