Firstly, I do NOT own a PA1x anymore (I did), I do not own a PA800 anymore (I did).I thought I could get something better, but nothing is better than the Korgs. (I have also been through the g70, e50, sd1+)...

If you read one of my previous posts you will see that I said it WAS a problem on the early PA1x's.
It was certainly commented on, but it was not a "well documented and known problem" some people had issues with it, myself included, but I, like you and your G70, came up with solutions that suited me.

HOWEVER, Korg have listened to the forums and with the operating system 3.0 addressed the fill issues for the PA1x series.

As far as the complexity of the various fills and where they should be used, this is well documented in the manual, which, going on my experience from the korg forums, is something not many users do.

I have not seen any post re fills since the release of this update. This same fill system is also used on the PA800 and from what I have been told has been refined even further on the PA2x..

As for triggering out of time fills,(those people at Korg are very clever just look at their NTT's or their voice allocation system!!! to name just 2) and it is very difficult to do so.

The Korg seems to have some sort of AI happening that automatically adjusts, and modulates the fill to a 2 beat fill instead of a 4 beat fill, or seems to recognise that the player has somehow erred, and moves it to the next bar, Im not really sure how it works, but it does.

And Diki, do me a favour, when you make sweeping comments about what is said and not said, can you please be more specific about the posts you are commenting on.

This is about the third time I can recall where you have included posts from others and myself in these generalised comments, when its really only one or two posts that you are referring to.