Diki, as usual you're very correct in that soft synths and samplers, along with software DAWS, are probably the best use of a high-end computer in a music environment. Truth is, I've done a fair amount of experimenting with soft synths and have quite a few freebies and cheapies loaded on the old machine. I play around with them occasionally using my A70 controller. I will no doubt slowly migrate over to a "soft" studio in time, as that appears to be the trend in project studios these days. However, there are several problems with this FOR ME.

1. I always have and probably always will, prefer hardware to software, no matter how good-sounding the software. Probably the engineer in me.

2. The quality libraries are very, very expensive and hard to justify outside of a commercial environment (not that musicians need to justify half of the crap they buy).

3. Only about half of the most popular software is "Vista" ready, although I'm sure this is just a temporary situation.

4. The older I get, the less inclined I am to deal with the complications and frustrations of software installation and implementation. That's one of the reasons that I continue to use a standalone recorder (Akai DPS24) instead of a computer DAW for recording.

Oh well, I'll think of something. I guess I could try to store a copy of Capt. Russ' equipment list; or better yet, a copy of each of Diki's posts in which a chord sequencer is mentioned. That should fill it up .


[This message has been edited by cgiles (edited 06-30-2007).]
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]