quote:1 and 2) read WELL again what mean GPL license: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

The GPL licence does not in anyway support what your doing though ?. I'm really trying to understand what angle of approach your taking on this, but since the sounds your sampling are copyrighted by Yamaha, I fail to see how you believe that it's ok to re-sample this data.

You cannot take someone else's copyrighted material and distribute it freely in a different, or any format. Right from the start, it's not your data to touch.

This is the copyright law.

I think still we have a different point of view, you still under commercial Microsoft mentality, where all MUST be payed from the enduser for the every simple or stupid application forever and then me, with the Linux Open source mentality, where all the people have the totally freedom to download FREE software.

I think you there skip to read the GPL license and selling Free software: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/selling.html

All my clients ( including Fran that do NOT have payed 1 euro for the MS and anyway was able to download the all sounds offered) we never asked 1 euro more for the all software and sounds library offered.

I been in some shops for find CD-DVD software, still under windows or Linux I have payed the magazine with the CD or DVD for 10-20 euro too. This mean ONLY that the service and hardware printing have one cost and every company can easy ask the desidered price for this service ( and of cousre the software included in the CD-DVD is already copyed)

We have our developer and the web server to pay every months, so I'm able to ask the price service that I like, for the NOT Mediastation custumers.

About the raw copyright data you are wrong, because we dont have ANY original RAW data.
Like you, we use a lot of commercial tools for cloning sounds, like Extremesample converter, CD Extract, Sample robot and Tascam Gigastudio GS3. ( I have the original license with Invoice of this all software and are NOT stolen! I will know there how many how you guys have ONLY copied software, includind Windows OS..)
After that, with OUR tools we are able to record any instruments that we like, because the RAW data will NEVER be SAME like the original.
After you have recorder, edited and spent a lot of hours for creating a new sounds under Giga format, you can NEVER say that this sounds was made from you.
Example: Piano CP80 is from yamaha, we know, BUT how many sounds like this one was take from the original CP80 piano? It this legal??
same way for the DX7 or Jupiter sounds, the raw data was take from the original instruments or not? who have then the right? Of couse have yamaha, roland, Korg... but still MILION of this sounds are cloned from scratch.
So..before we get legally problems, another 1000 company have to go in prision before Lionstracs.

3) read again well in our webpage who have developed this sounds and you can see there too that the all sounds are offered from 3th paty developers and if they like to clone and give us the sounds for FREE, we dont care because is not our falut or legally problems.

This is totally unrealistic.
Your the dealer, the source, the guys taking the money. You would be liable for all breaches of copyright law. Just because you didn't commit the crime of actually sampling the sounds, doesn't mean you wouldn't be liable for reselling the data or giving it away for free.

I was hoping that you had actually found some legislation that gave you the grounds to do what your doing legally, but the more I hear, the more I can't believe all this.

read again: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/selling.html
We are able to cloning the all sounds from scratch that we like and offer for FREE how much we like.

quote point 3:
there we have to discuss a lot again, you dont like how our giga files sounds, I really dont like the simple sounds that you offer: http://www.irishacts.com/ezypal/index.php?do=catalog&c=yamaha_tyros_2
50 euro for ONE piano is really a lot of money and really do NOT sounds like one Giga Piano of Garritan ( that cost only 15 dollars now)
Still I dont want know how many hours you need to loading this sounds in T2...but this is another argument.
For sure you have your studio cost and I have my developer cost too.

quote point4:
We can ask how much money we like for our service for the ALL NOT mediastation user.
Soon we will also open one PAY ONE TIME SERVICE for the all NOT MS user and then they are able to download for FREE and forever this all sounds too.
This service is offered now from a lot of campany too, just look around the web.

quote point 5:
This is something totally different. What EMC are initially selling is a computer program that they created, not copied from someone else. It's their unique creation.

Well, I think in a different way too, when you buy this software is already loaded of styles of other company too and offer the possibility to copy/clone any styles.
If you like, I can think under your way too: the all MS software is developed from my deleloper and we offer not copied in our hardware.

quote point 6:
what is original? only the sounds that this guy can develope, BUT the all remain sounds are uploaded from TON of sounds enginers like you and me. So...who have this copy right there??

uote:7) Wersi with the new OAS7 made about the same, they can play the tyros styles and the sounds too, why they dont have any legally problems?

But they created this software. They are not selling you the styles.

are you joking??
do you know how much cost the OAS7 update??
do you know how much money the ask for some styles??
I never saw some under the Wersi website that is FREE cost...yes, the PDF documents and the Mp3 demos...

ampling in the manner you guys are is a recipe for disaster. It is inevitable that you guys will be contacted by Yamaha.

sounds good!
thn for sure we will contact soon from Korg too, because we are in development of OASYS, M3 and PAX sounds too. Ather this new giga library then will contact us Roland too, we are working in some library too.

How you wrote in your Korgforum... we will have soon a lot of fun...

Personally I feel you guys should hire sound designers at this stage to create styles and sounds. You have some great features there in the MS, but as a musical instrument, it's sadly lacking originality.

yes, here you are right..
Untill the styles under MS you don't like, we think is better offer ton of new sounds. In this way the MS can cover the 50% of the normally keyboards/synth.
Arranger market is about 3% of the whole keyboards market and only 1-2% of this people can play the styles..

You can see around...Mp3, vaw, Midifiles, Video, VST, PC system..
This is the field that the MS have to cover and not the only arranger players...
