Originally posted by miden:
on the question of sampling (rather than piracy)..it seems to me that sampling say, a t2 sound, is no different to sampling a Gibson guitar, the engineers at Gibson worked hard to create that particular sound(similar to engineers who synthesise a sound on a keyboard)...does this mean that you have to pay a royalty to Gibson everytime you use that sample, or that its illegal to use that sampled gibson guitar sound? now i might be on the wrong track here, but i guess that means if you create a song using the T2 sounds you must pay yamaha a royalty for using that sound in your song?? just some points for discussion.

woww, finally another have understand the BASIC concept of Sampling any instruments and that is totally Legally!

The Gibson Guitar is only ONE example of the TON of instruments, like the famous Steinway, Bosendorf, Stradivari Violin, Gretsch guitars and Drums.... and then we can continue with the OLD Jupiter 8, Korg M1, Yamaha DX7, CP80...

Look around in the web how many sounds company offer this sounds under different format, the first one was the AKAI that have CLONED all what was possible till the last new company that offer sounds under the all possible format.
Have they MAYBE payed the royalty to the owner of this instruments??

Of couse in this new generation of PC system and audio tools available we can use now the Jack cables, Digital IN/OUT, SCSI, LAN... and for some electronic instruments we use this system for sampling the unit.

Guys like DIKI, beach player of OLD generation musician, still think that we need to use the MIC, VOX recorder with TAPE Echo system or original Lesle cabinet...and ONLY under this OLD system we are allowed for sampling the instruments??

IF the law allow to sampling any instruments ( and NOT copy the original RAW data, like ROM/FLASH/Wave) then will aloow to sampling the Tyros 2 too, because is one instruments too.
Is the law same for all the instruments OR the Tyros 2 ONLY is excluded?? What is the difference??
Or maybe we have to shown you with one picture that we have sample the Tyros 2 with 2 Microphone, analog Montarbo mixer and tape echo unit for make one sound legally?

Quote from DIKI:
As I said, there is a quantum difference between sampling a few sounds from different Roland or Korg keyboards for use in a sampler, and the outright copying of every single sound in a keyboard to duplicate the machine. But fortunately, you are not even smart enough to not brag about your piracy on a public forum that logs IP's, so hopefully, Yamaha's lawyers will be beating down your doors sooner than you expect.

You are no better than the thief who burgles your apartment, and deserve the same fate...

You are so ARROGANT and stupid..
Who you will scare?? Who you are for write this stupid words??
Before you wrote here do you have used your head or you just write when you are drunk??
For some second after i start read your message, I tough that you work with President Bush and make the Law....but at the end you had shown your hig quote of intelligence..

IF you will receive RESPECT, GIVE respect to the other people too.
You feel upset? I'm upset too when you continue give s...t to nice and intelligen people that here will posting nice and with technical question.

If you dont feel good sharing message here with this nice people, then stay in the beach drink beer and play playback karaoke, ( just looking your picture and this will tell all) because for sure you can not play professional one arranger.

NOW you can be UPSET, BUT you deserve it totally!