Hello James
are you maybe scared that the MS is able to play the all sounds and from other brands too?

Sampling started in the 80's. So there's nothing to worry about here.

I'm only talking about the copyright issues behind all this. Nothing else.

1) read WELL again what mean GPL license: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

The GPL licence does not in anyway support what your doing though ?. I'm really trying to understand what angle of approach your taking on this, but since the sounds your sampling are copyrighted by Yamaha, I fail to see how you believe that it's ok to re-sample this data.

You cannot take someone else's copyrighted material and distribute it freely in a different, or any format. Right from the start, it's not your data to touch.

This is the copyright law.

2) LIONSTRACS do NOT sell officially ANY software and ALL the software developed from our developers and 3th paty developers is ALWAYS offered again BACK under GPL license. Of couse, NOT MS customers if will download this software/library, they have to pay some for support our developers. who will buy our hardware products will receive ALWAYS for FREE any software/library from us developed.

Ok, but since under copyright law your not supposed to sample the sounds in the first place. The GPL licence does not support your activities. Secondly, you are placing a price tag on the sound and selling them from your website.

Fair enough, existing media station users get a copy for free, but just because I buy a CD Player off SONY doesn't mean I have the right to download every artist signed to SONY for free.

3) read again well in our webpage who have developed this sounds and you can see there too that the all sounds are offered from 3th paty developers and if they like to clone and give us the sounds for FREE, we dont care because is not our falut or legally problems.

This is totally unrealistic.
Your the dealer, the source, the guys taking the money. You would be liable for all breaches of copyright law. Just because you didn't commit the crime of actually sampling the sounds, doesn't mean you wouldn't be liable for reselling the data or giving it away for free.

I was hoping that you had actually found some legislation that gave you the grounds to do what your doing legally, but the more I hear, the more I can't believe all this.

3) The new Europen law now allow people to download any type of data, including copyright software and media IF they will use ONLY for personal use without resell it.
If you remember well, you had already fight with another people that had try to resell your developed tyros sounds too, but there was much different, because you already had asking a lot of money for one single sounds and you will have the copyright.

Honestly, I've never heard of this law.
Also the situation where I was being ripped off is technically not that different from what you guys are doing to Yamaha here. Your talking their sounds, sharing them freely, and selling them for profit.

As for the cost behind my sounds, this is because they are original and entirely my creation. If you where actually making your own and not just sampling someone else's work. You would realise how expensive it can be.

So to compare my so called high costs for single sounds to your Libraries is totally unfair.

Sure you can offer large libraries for very little money. That's because your not spending anything on development costs. Your just taking ( in this case ) Yamaha's sounds and sampling them.

I'm truly trying to understand your approach on all this, and I really would like to understand how you believe your not breaking any laws here. As a sound designer, I need to know every aspect of the law in order to develop new sounds, and protect my own work. So I'm really trying to stretch my views on what your actually doing here in order to see if I can understand your logic.

I still have to ask myself though, if what your doing is legal. Then why is nobody else doing this ?.

4) Untill LIONSTRACS do NOT resell comercially ANY software like the others company, we can NOT have any legally problems because is NOT our interest to make money with the software BUT ONLY with the hardware.
IF anyone can probe that LIONSTRACS made 1 milion dollars profit with the FREE software offered, MAYBE they can proceed legally, BUT in the reality we DO NOT have any profit with this software and then IF they try to proceed legally, they will lose all before starting.

So is the 60 Euro your charging going straight to the guy who did all the sampling in the first place ?. And because you guys are the ones acting as the dealer taking the money. How does this exclude you from being attached to this software in anyway ?.

5) another probe is the EMC style converter: now this software have about 10 years and still the company EMC do NOT get any legally problems. EMC can clone/copy any type of styles from brands to brands.
Why company like GEM, Korg...offer in they web pages the EMC style converter to download too? Is not legally copy/edit the styles??
So.. if they allow to download it and all the others offer the same possibility, it mean that this is legally and personal customers are able to do what all they want, nobody in his privat life/home can do nothing.

This is something totally different. What EMC are initially selling is a computer program that they created, not copied from someone else. It's their unique creation.

6) other web site, like this: http://worrasplace.com/
offer FREE GIGA sounds from many years and why they still do NOT have any legally problems?

Probably because they are original. There's not exactly much there, and the sound quality is also not really up to much. You also have very small file sizes, and the age of certain sounds would easily be more than 15 years old. Some of the references being made refer to company's that don't' even exist any more.

7) Wersi with the new OAS7 made about the same, they can play the tyros styles and the sounds too, why they dont have any legally problems?

But they created this software. They are not selling you the styles.

I can continue for hours in this way but at the end you can do really nothing, because the world now is more open and end user people can do what all they want.
The BIG problems is ONLY that you there are SCARED of the new and BIG Features that only the Mediastation can do, all the other keyboards ( including Korg Oasys ) can ONLY dreaming of this features.

The 3 your referring to have had this ability to Sampling since the 80's.

IF you can do and shown me that you get 2.9ms latency like the MS, then I can belive you there..
Look the new reaper SEQ: http://www.cockos.com/reaper/feat-ss.php
you can see the windows latency..from 10 to 191ms latency...lol

As a computer that's fast, but as a musical instrument it has no originality. Seems that everything musical about it is taken from everyone else.

I was hoping that you had a new angle to what has been a never ending debate on countless Sampling forums, but so far all I've seen worries me.

Sampling in the manner you guys are is a recipe for disaster. It is inevitable that you guys will be contacted by Yamaha.

Personally I feel you guys should hire sound designers at this stage to create styles and sounds. You have some great features there in the MS, but as a musical instrument, it's sadly lacking originality.

Kind Regards