Originally posted by cgiles:
Then, do you run 32bit or 64; should you run just the one large disk or two in a raid array? Is the firewire fast enough for anything other than backup? Should I upgrade to a quad core?
1- I would say 32 bit. Where are all those 64 bit applications?
2- With the raid configuration you can choose to:
a- use the second disk as an instant back-up of the first one (the system writes automatically all the data on the two disks at the same time) or
b- split the data between the two disks in order to gain speed (the system writes/reads a bit on one disk and the next bit on the second one, thus saving access time: cool, but is the gain in speed worth the while?) On my PC I have two 320 Gb disks running in parallel: this way I will never risk to loose all my data due to a HD crash, like happened in the past
3- Firewire is DAMN fast: try it and see yourself...
4- Upgrading to a Quad Core is not necessary, given your needs; your computer (like mine) will be obsolete in a couple of years, but for now enjoy the ride...