Originally posted by WDMcM:

Come on! At 26 seconds into this video, the creator states 'over 50 tracks of audio'. I'm pretty sure that the KN7000 didn't have 50 tracks of recording, much less audio recording. And I also don't remember the KN7000 having a built-in 8 channel mixer with 100mm automated faders and 8 analog VU meters.

Seriously, make you own video and be done with it.

Dave don’t know what the heck this guy on the video is doing...but I've sequenced songs more then I like to remember thru the years using Synths & Arrangers alike.....I am not a teacher & never had patience for it....but I will tell you this it requires procedures & time, effort, and knowledge playing all the parts/efx correctly to achieve a successful project. My point was to bring to light that we all have the tools within our arrangers to do multitrack recordings & to create our own styles also so why not take advantaged…..you just have top indulge yourself, dig into the OS and have fun creating..