Hmmmm, that's a familiar tactic. Instead of articulating what you don't like about him or his policies, you simply photoshop him in a clown's outfit. You personify everything I said in Gary's post. But let's look at it realistically. He's slim (as in FIT), intelligent (conceded to by even his foes), articulate, has two Ivy League degrees, cum Laud from Harvard Law, has been a US Senator, and is currently YOUR president and leader of the free world. Now let's look at YOUR accomplishments. Since you had at least a ten year head start on him plus a few uh, other advantages, you should stack up pretty well.
No??? Well then, if he's a clown, what does that make you? I could tell you but why bother. I think most people see you for what you really are; a would-be cyber-bully with a really, really bad inferiority complex. Instead of trying to bait me, why don't you go start another of your famous, intellectually stimulating, "what kind of underwear do you wear to the gig" threads. With the current level of boredom on the board, I'm sure SOMEone will respond.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]