Originally posted by Dnj:
Although there a few talented individuals here ...I have learned that this is not the place to share anything as you will be berated beyond belief. instead I prefer in person, or video conferencing, email, or chats to coreposnd and discuss different things help each other one on one..otherwise it's fruitless.

Well that is only true if you are silly enough to acknowledge those negative postings. If you are mature enough to simply ignore them then they will not only fail to affect the thread they will also be deleted as I have already done previously on this thread.

As well I count the number of times someone forces me to delete one of their postings. Once that count reaches 3 it is an automatic ban regardless of why they posted what they did. There is a limit to how much of my time ( and yours ) I will allow people to waste.

[This message has been edited by Nigel (edited 11-07-2010).]