Originally posted by cgiles:
Hey, YOU'RE the guy that tried to bait ME into a political brouhaha. Unless you go back and '.' it out, I think it's there for everyone to see. As far as your being so gleeful about the Republican victories, I doubt if it has anything to do with any kind of ideological commitment; in fact, I'd bet the farm that you didn't even go out and vote. You are the first (and ONLY one) to even bring it up, probably because you thought it would upset me; it doesn't. We live in a democracy where people are free to vote their choices. The people have spoken and they will again in 2012. That's the way it works in America. If you believe in something, you go out and vote for it; just like if you're trying to make a musical point, you make a video demo (yourself), not try to cajole someone else into doing it. Oil and water; that doesn't even begin to describe it. So let's just agree to not respond to each other. I think that would be best for the board. Hey, look at the bright side; at least your kids can stay on your health plan until they're 26, while they look for a job. Oh wait, there ARE no jobs; they all got shipped overseas under George W. Have a nice day, go for a walk, spend a little less time googling links to post to SZ. Practice your English, and don't forget to use Spellcheck.


Are you finshed berating me yet?...

Took a shot Voting for him last time was the biggest mistake I EVER made..wont happen again..2012 he'll be gone for sure !

[This message has been edited by Dnj (edited 11-04-2010).]