Originally posted by Diki:
Actually, it's kind of tough to put words in your mouth, as stuffed with bullsh*t as it always is... but I can't argue with this...
Truer words were never said

Well Diki...it's just as I would expect from you...when you can't can't say anything clever or pertinent, you resort to profanity and personal insults.

Needing to use profanity is a sign of a lack of self discipline...and spewing insults is basically a sign of low-self esteem.

I hope you seek help for the above...and I wish you all the best in your recovery.

Now, about the G-70's piano....you obviously have found out that I'm right, else wise, why would you become so defensive and angry...I'm sorry if my discovery hit a nerve, but this revelation was long overdue, and a nice counterpoint to your less than charming and unfounded remarks about other people's instruments.

Now, you can take the discovery as a positive thing, and we can say Diki's piano has "character" because of it's defects, or you can continue with your profanity and insults and stay in your state of denial.

It's up to you, son.

Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.