Man it always brings a smile to my face to see this so called (everyone's talking about it-just not on the Zone) issue about Roland's pianos being inconsistent..., and that Yamaha's are supposed not have inconsistency.

You guys ever stop and think about how they make these samples. Ever consider the reason the Yamaha sample may not sound inconsistent is because Yamaha CHEATED a little (like all the makers do)? Ever consider the reason that next note you play and so on sounds consistent is because that next note is most likely the note you just played before it..., only this time it's digitally stretched and enhanced????

Do some of you guys actually think the keyboard makers sample all 88 notes of a piano for the samples you find in these current keyboards!? They ALL cheat..., do you have any idea how HUGE the piano samples alone would be if they didn't cheat?

If a Roland piano sounds inconsistent to some of you (or should I say one of you) on this forum.., I ask...., "Then how is that sample WRONG?" Real acoustic pianos ARE inconsistent. I don't care how much money you put into the bloody thing. It's nature of the beast. You can keep the thing in the perfect climate controlled environment.., read to it every night, blah blah blah.., and it will still have inconsistency. Hmmmmm.., real pianos are made out of what????? WOOD.., and we all know wood is not prone to the slightest environmental changes (even treated wood) right! It's not like there's a lot of moving parts or anything

You guys ever consider that if a Roland piano sounds inconsistent to you that perhaps Roland DIDN'T cheat as much on that sample.., and that you're actually hearing more REAL notes rather than digtially stretched notes????? It may sound crazy to some of you, but it's the INCONSISTENCY within the sample of an acoustic instrument that makes it sound more REAL and more NATURAL......

Some of you guys have gotten too spoiled with your keyboards soundset. I've said this in the past too..., some of you have gotten so used to your keyboards version of how the keyboard maker sampled the sound.., that when you actually hear the REAL instrument you trash the bloody thing because it doesn't sound like your keyboard.

I took heat for pointing out Yammie's "INCONSISTENT" nuances in their SA guitar voices with all the FAKE string noise coming in between chord changes when it's NOT supposed to be there.

Yamaha's always getting smoke up the backside because of their piano and drum samples...., and how can they possibly get it wrong because they make the REAL thing right????? Look at all the heat Yammie took with their top dog Motif XS piano sample..., how long did it take for the posts on Motifator to start showing up complaining about the piano samples (and in fairness Roland also took a hit with the new Fantom G line in terms of acoustic pianos)

Roland's pianos get a lot of praise for sounding NATURAL..., and they're always getting praise for their drums in both their keyboards and electric kits (which to date Roland V drums still outsell Yammie's DTX line).... Interesting how Roland doesn't make REAL acoustic pianos or drums yet they continue to get the samples right...., and we still continue to see comments saying Roland's drums sound more live and their acoustic pianos sound more natural.... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

[This message has been edited by squeak_D (edited 01-29-2009).]
GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.