Trouble is, of course, there are MANY different pianos that Roland have in different keyboards, at varying levels of quality.
And if it will make you happy, Ian, I will admit that SOME of them are less than good. In fact, I'm sorry to say it, but I have YET to hear one as good as the G70/FantomX. I've played the FantomG... not as good. I've played the GW-8... not as good. RD700... not as good. RD700G... not as good.
They are all up at Purgatory Creek.
Roland got this one right. Can't say the same about the others. I don't like the 'Superior' piano on the E80, or the 'Natural' as much as the G70 GrandX.
I am not 'defending' Roland in general. Just this one. And NOT from any 'fanboy' perspective. You all KNOW I am the first and loudest to criticize any G70 issue that exists. Heck, there's a whole forum full of it! And generally, any critique of any value tends to have several people (in fact, hopefully a bunch) all saying the same thing. Now, it's quite easy to find critiques of the RD700G's pianos... some quite unflattering.
But exposes of the FantomX main battle pianos are few and far between.
This, I'm sorry to say, is still the opinion of a tiny, tiny minority. But if that is all it takes for anything to be a FACT, I guess you'll have to agree with my opinion that the S900 main piano is utter rubbish... As long as ONE person says it is so, by your reckoning, that makes it right