This utter rubbish by Ian is a triumph of propaganda...

Before you even start arguing with him, first go to a G70 and PLAY THE BLOODY THING... and THEN come back and refute him from direct experience. Because, so far ONLY Ian has even admitted that they DO hear more than the inconsistencies that a real piano has (which the S900 will have also). You are ALL arguing with ONE man with a sole opinion. I can say the sun will come up in the West, it doesn't make it so. Until at least ONE person says he saw it too, what point is there in dignifying my blather? (Ian will quote this sentence all by itself to 'make his point'!)...

I have a sneaky suspicion that Ian isn't aware that the G70 piano is a 4-way velocity split. Unless you hit each note in a scale at EXACTLY the same velocity, you are going to be comparing different sample velocity ranges, which will OF COURSE sound different. I honestly think the problem with inconsistency is in Ian's technique, not the piano sound.

But first of all, before anyone starts arguing this point with Ian, I would suggest actually PLAYING ONE. Because, right now, unless you have done so, you are ALL talking out of your, well, you know what!

And an argument between two people who BOTH have no clue is a bit silly, isn't it...?

In the meantime, pop over to, and listen to the FantomX Ultimate Grand file (it's the same as the G70). Now go and listen to the PSR S900 piano file.

The Emperor doesn't NEED any clothes. With a body like that

If that tack piano is YOUR idea of piano perfection, Ian, I don't see how you are in any position to criticize ANYTHING!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!