My only point was that the Roland piano was uneven in the was okay in the bottom, and in the top.
Why would ONLY the middle be inconsistent?
If they are allegedly trying for "realism" then why not do the entire keyboard the same as the middle and employ inconsistent samples.
I am not the only one who heard this on this "issue" on the G70.
I have a visually impaired friend who was at my house trying out the G70 that another friend had left with was the former who pointed out that ONLY the middle samples were uneven.
Up until someone had the bravery of saying the Roland G70's piano was "perfect", I was willing to leave it be...but saying something is "perfect" leaves it open to much deeper investigation.
I think the G70's piano is pretty good, but it is not "perfect" as claimed...otherwise the entire keyboard would have uneven samples (in the interest of realism) or it would be even the Yamaha Live!Grand.
Since it is being discussed on other forums...actually I did not know that...then there are others who hear what my friend and I heard.
The thick plottens.

Maybe the Emperor truly has no clothes.