Originally posted by Diki:
Hey, mc....
I'm afraid the only way to show class is not to DEMAND polite language from others (doing that ain't classy, anyway, demanding something is just as rude as swearing in the first place)... It's merely to continue to use it yourself, despite what others do.
I'm afraid that, basically, this is Nigel's sandbox. He is the only one with the authority to DEMAND anything of anyone 
You MIGHT have given Nedim at least a BIT of credit for misspelling (or slightly disguising the word) it. Lord knows, there's enough WTF's and SOB's, PITA's and other acronymic substitutions for bad language that, if you are going to play Thought Police or Mrs. Grundy on this forum (self appointed, that is
), you had better start ticketing, too...
Why don't we just let the MODERATOR play moderator here, eh?
The rest of us can stick to our arrangers... 
I see that you have nothing else to do but get into my business now also. The fact is that there are other members that may be offended by the vulgarity. As you may forget this is a keybaord forum not a corner bar or hood in NYC. If Nedim needs you to run to his aid and defend his honor, you both deserve each other then.
good luck, good bye, one, two, you know the rest.
[This message has been edited by mc (edited 08-25-2009).]