Originally posted by mc:
I apologize to anyone that I offended for my comment about hood...NYC; it was not necessary and had racial under tones that depicts NYC neighborhoods in a wrong light.
MC, I don't think anyone (certainly not me) was looking for an apology, although it was gracious of you to extend one. I was merely trying to point out that words used to express your indignation over the use of the 'f-bomb' could be equally offensive to a segment of the board (the segment that is opposed to prejudging people). Sometimes, what is perfectly acceptable within one's 'inner circle' of friends, may not be acceptable or appropriate in a wider, more diverse, population (like this board).
I'm not nearly as 'thin-skinned' as some on this board believe I am, but I am on this particular issue. That's because race, like being short or tall, or being musically talented (or not), being athletically gifted, being inherently (genetically) 'smart' or dumb, is beyond our control (we are what we are) and says little or nothing about the person within. What we need to remember is that what we say, no matter how innocent the intent, provides the astute observer with a real and honest glimpse into our view of the world.
Again, apology accepted although not necessary. As far as my 'elderly' comment, I was just kidding around so that no one would think I was traumatized by the 'hood' comment. By all means, keep on posting, and if you feel strongly about something, say so. But if so-called 'offensive language' bothers you, then I'd be extra careful about the language I used to express that.