Which is where it hopefully stays, then...

Look, you MIGHT have noticed that I am NOT one of those using much vulgarity on this forum, so it's not like I'm exactly voting FOR it. But I have always been for freedom of expression (unless it is direct personal attack). And, I'm sorry to say, modern vernacular HAS gotten a bit more vulgar...

Let us not for one minute think that what YOU consider acceptable, at some time in the past, YOUR grandparents were shocked at the informality of it... I am fairly sure you don't walk out of any bar or public place where you might overhear such language (and I'm confident you don't go up to the face of someone speaking like that and be as personally insulting as you were to Nedim to get them to stop ), so why the tirade here? Oh, that's right... because there are no consequences (short of a little back and forth about the subject) for your own rudeness and intolerance...

As I said before, why don't you simply let the moderator moderate? No doubt, when the large majority of the membership gets all in a huff about it, he can make the ruling. In the meantime, I'm sorry, but half of our 'elderly' membership here are the ones mixing it up on a daily basis! There doesn't seem to be the outpouring of outrage that, let's say posting under an assumed name generates. (or the banning, for a time out)...

Obviously, the majority of the membership has different priorities than perhaps you do. Personally, the expression of vulgarity only disturbs me when it is said with ill intent, as a personal attack. Exuberance is hardly call for censorship, especially if deliberately misspelled (at least that shows a KNOWLEDGE of what is and isn't acceptable here - you DID notice the misspell? ), and from a younger member with his OWN set of informalities. We need as many of them as we can keep, and metaphorically dashing out your front door and bellowing 'HEY! YOU KIDS! GET OFF MY LAWN!' isn't exactly the way to keep them interested in being here...

One, two, Jive (it's a style on my arranger )
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!