I think it might benefit some of you to try backing up and looking at the bigger picture here. This is not about dropping a curse word anymore. It’s now about does someone have First Amendment rights and freedom of expression, isn’t it?

But, what it really is about is self-centeredness and selfishness. It’s about do what YOU want to do and don’t concern yourself with how you’ve just affected someone else. As in the right to carry a gun. Don’t dare step on the toes of a gun owner, ‘cause he has his RIGHT (to carry a gun), doesn’t he. Well, what about my right to live a peaceful existence without fear of being caught up in some street gun battle? Does HIS right supercede mine?

So Nedim has a right to use the F word in here. I also have every right to be offended, and let that offense be known. So now whose right takes precedence?

Now I’m going to play Devil’s Advocate. Diki, I’m wondering what your response would be if MC had said something like: Hey, Nedim...cool...you’re expressing your right to drop a four letter word in the group. Can you do that more so the other members catch on and they start doing it themselves. I can’t help but think you’d swing the other way and take up the cause of trying to keep the room sterile, ‘cause part of what keeps you so sharp is always having an adversary to work off of.

Now what’s the big deal for members to respect other member’s postures and NOT use that word if it's offensive to even ONE other person. It’s going to hurt THEM a lot less NOT to use the word, then it WILL hurt ME to HEAR it.

It’s called consideration for other people. Somewhere along the way we slipped into the “me” generation and it looks like that’s the road we’ll be traveling for a long time to come.

Above it all, do we not have any respect for the ladies that read these posts (as MC stated)?
