As an interesting sidenote, there is a place known to most of us that is a "Clean Forum".

The Bose Forum.

They actually preview EACH POST that is submitted in any thread, and if they find a "disallowed word" (which could be as harmless as Hell or even Damn I believe -!) they remove it - telling you they have done so within your post.

I posted something the other day that was a reasonable and necessary (and certainly not hostile) post, and when it appeared, I saw this:

"We're using MS Word.

Believe it or not, that's the most immediately practical and useful software for several reasons:

1. All our Chords/Lyrics are already in, edited with and created on Word.
2. I don't want to play any of our sequences from the PC as I have no MP3s of our Midi files prepared, and the soundcard and most available software would sound pretty <> to my current setup (I'm a keyboard player) so my Korg PA-1x Pro Elite plays Midi files better than most PC/Software combos, and, more to the point - it has dual sequencers so I can load up songs before they're immediately needed.

As for the OneNote deal, it doesn't seem practical for us at this stage, I'm sure it's cool and all, but.....

Edit: Forum-Admin changed a disallowed word -- please see our Terms of Service link at the bottom of every page.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Forum-Admin, Mon August 24 2009 11:23 AM"

I can't even remember what my disallowed word was - it was that "mild"!!!!

So my point is this:

That is an example of a Forum that uses severe moderation (let's face it) and you either participate in that Forum accepting those rules or not - simple as that.
FWIW, it is, as you may have heard, an EXCELLENT Forum (understatement) and the Moderation forces you to explain yourself clearly without swearing, or any hostile behaviour.

I'm still not sure personally how I feel about the enforced editing. I'm not sure I like it really - but the Forum (whether you like Bose of not btw) is COMPLETELY worth participating in, and the system DOES work so.....
God I hate signatures.
