And I am grateful to Lucky for retracting his personal attack...
Perhaps I am a bit more willing to allow a more free speech approach to the forum (this is a PRIVATE forum, not a corporate front, so the consequences of a bit of vulgar language aren't worried about by a team of lawyers!), but one of the things that concerns me here is how easily some of us find ourselves attacking the poster, and not the subject of the post, and also how easy it is to slip and make ethnic slurs, intended or not.
While it is EASY to spot the odd F-bomb, sometimes (as we have seen here) the very same people all up in arms about a little vulgar exuberance (self-sanitized, at that) can be the very ones to commit THOSE sins almost unnoticed...
Unfortunately, I think making a personal attack on a member (rather than sticking to the point of the thread), or making a (barely disguised) racial slur are FAR worse examples of rudeness and disrespect than dropping the odd sanitized vulgar expression. I believe that they lower the tone and friendliness of this forum FAR more than seeing the odd PITA and 'F*ckin' awesome!' as a comment. But strangely, it's the very people that want the 'language' cleared up that are resorting to MUCH more damaging behavior to make their points.
While looking at the mote in their brother member's eye, they ignore the beam in their own.
Perhaps we could ALL learn a lesson from this...?
Before you demand the APPEARANCE of niceness, you actually have to be NICE