Originally posted by ianmcnll:
Seems to me the Audya scenario is following this path, as predicted by the FWKC of A (Fully Working Keyboard Confederation of America)...

Year four: Discontinued.
It's too bad, because the Audya sounds pretty darn good...not quite as good as a Tyros2 or Tyros3, or even a PSR-S910,.....
Not bad, 4 years before discontinued, others change models every 2 years and forget about the
past ones

Yeah, Yamaha sounds good in your and many others ears, sometimes even in mine, but what I don't
fancy at all regarding Yamaha, is when go from one to another style, it sounds like a totally
different keyboard. Maybe different producers for each style?
When swap style (play as is) it sounds like it's a new band entering the scene, or it's a new
CD put into the player. Ketron at least sounds as it is the same band playing and also it is
much more live sounding than Yammaha.
Also I feel Yamaha is a kind of cold and hard sounding, not as warm and soft as i.e. Ketron and
Anyway, it's good we have different taste and needs, or else it would have been quite boring
in many ways.
