Originally posted by to the genesys:
[B]So we know on the Audya we can style edit as with other keyboards.
We can not create styles from scratch but we can edit onboard styles.
That we can agree on.
No we cant dude, i am sorry but we cant, i am the DOCTOR for PA series and also for Ketron
stuff, even that EDITING part that you call cant do nothing what it supposed to do as i can
do on a 1500$ KORG PA500. And i repeat again, if you have the facts lets debate them...only
strictly technical and pro language. We'll go step by step and function by function. I might not
be a good musician but ANYTHING i own as far as styles (few hundreds of them) and sounds
(few thousands of them) i created from scratch...0...zero...nada...isn'd that talent too???
Or just playing Piano is talent???