Just to clarify WITH FACTS (as has been requested by some)...
1. AUDIO STYLE MORPHING. This feature completed in AUDYA (as of OS3.0) allows the user to do the following ...
A. Take an existing style and EDIT it to ..
B. Replace its Midi parts (chords, bass drums) with those from another style OR those from it's internal library and save as a user style
C. Replace it's AUDIO drum-1 track with an audio drum track from another style or an audio drum track from the internal data bass OR the USER AUDIO DRUMS (audio drums created by end users), OR midi drum tracks from either another style or the Midi Drum data bass.
D. Replace the Audio bass line from a style with that from another style or a midi bass line from either another style or the internal bass table.
E. Replace the Audio guitar (chord 5) with that from another style or another audio guitar from either the internal audio table or the USER GUITAR table (soon to be populated in OS4.0 with more guitar loops) or simply a midi guitar part from another style or internal table.
You can load new styles into AUDYA (either styles converted for use on other Ketron product from other manufacturers, or other Ketron official styles or styles created on other Ketron products). The edit capability above ALSO applies to these styles (user styles).
2. STYLE EDIT (current) AND STYLE CREATE (4.0):- With OS 4.0 you will be able to CREATE NEW STYLES (i.e start from scratch and lay down an entire new drum, bass, chord tracks that currently do not exist in AUDYA). You can also incoorporate the above MORPHING feature with this newly created style.
Hope this clarifies this.
3. STYLE MIX. In STYLE VIEW - you can MIX (change volume, effect, pan .. etc levels of each style part) and EDIT (change parts [midi and audio alike] styles and save as a new user style.
We're holding off release to include another popluar feature asked from our customers (can't say now), but you'll see.
[This message has been edited by Ketron_AJ (edited 11-24-2009).]