Originally posted by Robbo:
Hello guys,
Just a couple of things, good robust discussion is always a good thing, we never want to feel that we cant express how we feel, I myself have made purchases in the past and felt just as mad as some of you who have bought the Audya, can I say I dont think that OS4 will be the last update, the "magic bullet" will be to get it to what it was touted as when we first heard about it 3 or 4 years ago, OS4 for Audya is probably just one of many. however if it fixes the main issues that you all have (which some dont, (funny thats like the Korg PA2X LED problem that the factory said wasn't a problem till many buyers came out of the woodwork reporting failed lights and so on, and they are made in Italy as well? mmmmm)
So yes I commissorate with you, yes I as well as you, hope that Ketron get it right if not before XMAS then at NAMM with the release of OS4, not just telling everyone about it, (as Korg once did), and wish you all a great and peace filled XMAS for this year and years to come, sorry if my words gave the wrong impression, NEDIM
Yes Ok I agree, but to compare the promises of Ketron with faulty LEDS is not a good comparison,Korg bought the Leds in good faith perhaps from China or Japan put them in their KB and they failed, that could happen to Audya, the Audya problem is sheer people who run Ketron incompetence, brass chinned, hard faced, p*** taking, there is no other explanation for it, if I bought a house in the UK and it was not finished the builder would come back and finish it.
Does anyone see this differently?