Originally posted by ianmcnll:

Thanks pal...Mmmmm....I know there was a point you were trying to make in your reply, but it escapes me entirely.

You are still angry over GEM dumping you...that's understandable.

I am not bashing the Audya, just trying to find out the real facts like everybody else.

You, on the hand, don't seem to have much self control, and you can't seem to restrain yourself from attacking me...anger seems to open the mouth, and close the mind, in your case.

My credibility is just fine with the people that matter....you're just one of them....but, I still think you are a nice guy...just a little angry and lost, for the moment.



[This message has been edited by ianmcnll (edited 11-25-2009).]

Did I miss something? Did I ever say I was angry over GEM “dumping” me?
I guess that is another one of your mistruths.

And I am not attacking you.
If you are taking it that way please don’t because I am not or that is not my intention.

To modify a famous phrase, I am attacking the behavior not the person.