Originally posted by spalding1968:
Lee lets break this down a bit

Would you be using the casing for the motif 7 to fit the new psr/tyros 76 note ? Would that be the Motif XS7 casing or the Motif XF7 casing or would actually design one that actually fit the tyros/psr layout of the keyboard ??

That means you start back at the begining. You dont just stretch the plastic injection mould pattern , you create a new one !!

That means when it comes to making and assembling tyhe components you have to reprogramm the assmbly line .

And if i make just just 1500 new Yamaha psr/tyros 76 at the same price as a tyros 61 $3500 then thats potentially $5250000 in revnue that i might never actually realise .

What if they only sell 200 ?

I dont know if you have looked carefully into what it would take to make a new model tyros/psr76 key instrument .

reconfiguring a flexible manufacturing machine for the production line , planning distribution and stock control and, quality control warehousing costs etc .

Do you realise the cost per day to a business if production line has to be retooled and reconfigured for a new model ?

Then you have to persuade retail outlets to carry your stock and put them on the floor for people to see. That was the down fall of roland arrangers . Nobody wanted to stock a product they could not sell.

Its ok for you to be confident that yamaha wouild sell the units that their capital is tied up in . Its not your money !!!

You make it sound like all yamaha have to do is flip a switch and key presto out pops the dream 76 arranger keyboard.

I wish it were that simple Lee.

And by the way have you decided amongst yourselves (from Dikis sample ) what size and weight and key feel this market wants and needs in the 76 Key Tyros/ PSR thingy ?

Should it be geared towards the pro, semi pro or home user, piano player or does any of this matter at all ??????

Last time i checked two out of the 8 people from Dikis extensive sample who expressed a preference for a 76 Key arranger could not quite agree whether it shouild be a ToTL or MOTL product . What about you Lee or the other 5 definate (if you can agree on the specs) buyers ?

What keyboard should yamaha make for you ????? synth action, semi weighted, weighted, ?????

What about the price range $2000-3000,$3000-4000 ? What impact might the price have on the product sales ? What impact might the price have on the 61 key sister sales ?

You can see how this might become a multimillion dollar experiment cant you ?

I guess some kind of detailed survey might be useful afterall......

excactly and diki and others probably would spend 3k,4k for anything no matter how many keys it had.....SZ posters is a mere speck of sand in Yamaha's R&D for the future...
oh how I wish we could delete posts again like days of old ......this is a waste of bandwidth..I'm sorry I started this thread..

[This message has been edited by Dnj (edited 10-22-2010).]