...how about that infamously well known "effects phase cancellation" phenomonem that occurs when Yamaha stereo sampled voices are mixed down to one mono Bose Compact unit, of which I've found sounds thin, harsh and unsatisfactory. Imho, going out stereo to two discrete Bose units is pretty much neccesary to preserve the full and rich sound, especially with Yamaha arrnagers.
Yes, you're right, and
no amount of tweaking overcomes this phenomenon,
in my opinion, having used Bose systems extensively for a whole season.
One will work, but, not satisfactorily enough for my ears, and believe me, I wished it would have done the job.
Then again, some people are more easily satisfied...
great sound to me is
Rotary speaker effects, guitar chorusing, delays,
are all done in stereo on the S910 (and Tyros) so in effect (no pun intended) you aren't really getting
the most out of the instrument.
I wound up using
two Bose L1 systems, which were, to say the least, incredible for my needs, which was filling a theatre with sound, and the stereo sweet spot was
huge to put it mildly.
No, in my opinion, using one Bose (on a Yamaha arranger) is like listening with one ear half-covered; the difference to me, was that dramatic.
I sold my two Bose, at the end of the season, got nearly all of my money back, and now, while taking a sabbatical from gigging, I use a pair of old (but great) Yamaha MS-60S powered monitors (in
stereo, of course).