Man, I'll never understand how you guys are able to trigger foot pedals (especially piano sustain) while standing.
Dave and Fran: Perhaps you guys don't use the sustain pedal much?
As I play the piano voice much of the time, it requires triggering the sustain pedal on/off throughout a song,
so by the end of a set, my back aches terribly as it essentially requires supporting my entire body weight on 'one' (the left) leg alone.
Certainly not a naturally balanced human standing position.
Perhaps for a bird like my pet African Grey Parrot, Alexander: cool

but not for people. frown

To accommodate the audience viewing benefit of raising the keyboard position height,
I utilize a cheap lightweight portable high stool which fully & evenly supports my upper body weight,
freeing both feet to conveniently trigger any of the foot pedals and sustain pedal at will, and often concurrently.
Other people's experiences, thoughts, and suggestions on this subject appreciated as well. smile