Also the speakers have no mid range, how does that work. Appears to me that you are playing background music perhaps your just about keeping pace with the background talking of your audience. You need to blast them away Gary get some power up there, make then listen.
Tony, I can't quite agree that the Bose have "no mid-range", but I will concede that the mid-range is
very weak.
No amount of tweaking overcomes this on a
single Bose system, and the only way around happened when I added the second Bose system; the increase in mid-range was a happy
by-product, as my original intent was
to try and stop the phase-cancellation that occurred when I used a single system.
Some people are able to live with the very obvious lack of mid-range in a single Bose, very contentedly it seems, but, I like my sound to have decent mid range and one Bose system, was
very unsatisfactory, both in the aforementioned weak mids, and, of course, the stereo reproduction.
To each his own, I say...this was always a bone of contention on SZ (both with the mids problem and the stereo issue).
I solved
my dissatisfaction by using
two systems, solving the weak mids issue
and the stereo one as well; others are quite content to use one system and be happy with it's performance,
however it is perceived to their ears. It must work well enough, as they continue to use it.
I can't see this whole issue resolved, and quite frankly, I really don't give a prime concern is making
my performance sound at
it's very best, not trying to convince other people about where I believe a certain speaker system configuration falls short.
I am just happy I noticed what was lacking, and also quite pleased when I found the solution, albeit a pricey one.
If I were in your place, I'd stick with the two 400 SR
in'll get a much more
robust sound, and,
no problems with phase cancellation.
Ian will notice that 99% of Bose ads show a
single vocalist/guitar player (or a
single piano player) with
no backup accompaniment system...also, when used
in a band, you will notice each member has
their own system (in mono)...that way the system doesn't have to handle the
entire frequency range, the
lack of mids is not as important, and the stereo phase cancellation problem is a non-issue.