Originally Posted By: Tony Hughes
Originally Posted By: Bill in Dayton
Interesting discussion...

2) I've got the cleanest, most powerful sound of anyone who comes around...

Bill could you tell us what cleanest is in sound terms, I am so stupid and deaf I wouldn’t have a clue.

I think it is all subjective and the others who come around, bet they just can't sing good.



(Stupid and deaf is a little harsh, don't you think? :))

When I say cleanest sound, the clients tell me that even at the volume levels I'm playing at, my vocals are sharp and easily understood, my kb also comes through with a clarity that, I'm told others don't have. By gain staging the Bose L1 properly (Thanks, Gary) its almost impossible to overdrive to the point of distortion.

A theory I have is that other acts are pushing their smaller PA's too hard to reach the volume the clients want. The other thing is I've a background in theater and took a few years of voice and diction, so I think my enunciation may be part of what they hear.

Its mostly attention to detail. I'm not doing anything others aren't...
Bill in Dayton