Hi Scott,
luv the backpack. Never seen one before.
I'm a bit of a bird nut , my little cockateil (Charlie), 8 years old, travels with us , except I only have a cage. When we have stay in a motel overnight, I have to wrap it up in a blanket & sneek him in. haahaa Fortunately he stays quiet, when he's covered. Rest of the time he chatters away. Learnt the hard way to keep him away from the keyboards, he chewed the rubber buttons on my psr1500, when I wasn't looking.

Originally Posted By: Scottyee
Originally Posted By: captain Russ
Scott-that looks like an African Grey. I have one named Sophie, and my oldest son taught it to say "hide the drugs" every time someone rings the doorbell. R.


Cute, how old is your Sophie, and how long have you had her? Perhaps you can post a pic of her here. smile

Alexander's 27 now and I've had him since I was in my early teens raising him from a baby. He's a Congo African Grey which have a lifespan of between 50-70 years. He has a sizable vocabulary, but thankfully never picked up any bad language. He especially enjoys dancing and whistling along, and 'in time' to the music when I play my Tyros 4 and sing. He remains a true 'lifelong' companion pet for sure.

Here the portable backpack I use to take Alexander around in for day trip traveling:

best wishes
Rikki 🧸

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