With regard to the whole Bose and stereo thing:

I remember buying 2 compacts at first to try it out, but I found that the Bose was so efficient in covering a wide area, that it was actually bleeding into each others field (L&R), producing more fallout than a typical Yamaha mono summing issue. I still believe that most rooms do not have an ideal situation for stereo to be as effective as the total coverage that the Bose provides in mono. The sweet spot is mostly enjoyed by the performer, and the area right in front - many of my arena's need to cover around corners, and into other spaces to my left and right - stereo would be wasted, and thin sounding in these other spots.

On the other side of the coin - I do appreciate a good stereo chorus or phat brass patch panned for effect, and when the situation warrants it, I have my 2 QSC K12's ready for the task. It's just that for most of my work, it's overkill, and having a more compact setup that covers better is a better choice for me.
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