After much thought, I have decided to make monetary provisions in my will for the following:
1. A (mandatory) seat in Jerry Jones stadium box as Dallas trounces a badly undermanned (decimated by injuries) Eagles team at their next meetup (PAYBACK for his last post).
2. Anger management classes for Russ (The bar fights have GOT to stop).
3. A new TOTL Casio for SqueakD (to replace his old ones).
4. A ticket to the Masters for DonM (the only way he's ever going to get there).
5. A spankin' new TOTL Accordion for Tony (except all the buttons will be 'mute' buttons).
6. A $5000 fund to be paid out in 25.00 increments to Diki for each time he posts something cheerful, positive, and hopeful (a $25.00 BONUS if it's about the Audya or Mediastation).
7. A lifetime supply of Viagra for Fran (just in case one of those young ladies ever said 'yes').
8. Music lessons for a select group of Synthzoners who will be named shortly before I draw my last breath (will also include singing lessons for some).
9. A crate of (mostly) fresh crawfish shipped from NOLA to Brickboo by ExpressMail (along with the CORRECT chords to 'Body and Soul').
10. and finally, in my memory, a 'MOST LOVED SYNTHZONE MEMBER' plaque inscribed with my name, to be mounted in Nigel's living room.
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]