Nigel, I understand your attitude, but I have a hard time posting my work, when it doesn't seem to matter, quality-wise, what is posted, sometimes.

I have posted music only twice in over 10 years (my actual sign-up date was three-4 years before the one that now shows, due to a crash years ago).

To me, posting anything that wasn't at least correct-structure-wise-would be an insult to members. I'd be embarrassed.

Yet, we get some real clinkers here, and, if they're from established members, we all just rave about them.

That's not doing the poster any good. That makes me question the whole process of sharing music here.

When I posted last, I was looking for honest comments from people I respected about the level of my ability after an injury. All comments were kind. Maybe they weren't all completely honest. Honesty is what I needed.

No big thing, but I sometimes struggle with it. Perhaps I shouldn't believe ANY comments about my posts or those put up by anyone else.

And, because of the tendency to be "nice", rather than "honest", posting music doesn't seem to be worth the effort, sometimes.

Russ (tone deaf) Lay