sorry - i misunderstood your post Russ and so my reply makes no sense
Darren, still I understand that aspect of forum posts that you mention as well as what Russ is talking about. I have had my share of that here at Synth Zone over the years. I ended up having to be heavy handed to bring things into line. That is something I don't like having to do but it became necessary to avoid the forums getting totally out of control which was diminishing the value of the forums. Most issues were resolved over time and in the end only one or two members ended up being prevented from returning permanently. I can totally understand people having personal conflicts and while I will still not tolerate that it is not deserving of a permanent ban. That is simply human nature and we can all be guilty of that from time to time. It is only when members attempt to deceive me or blatantly abuse my allowing them back on I will ban them permanently ... and it is very rare that that occurs.