I talked to another OMB from RI today and he told me he actually participated in a 'showcase' for assisted living/ nursing home entertainers, maybe a dozen or so singers/players, doing a ten minute audition for an audience of about 100 people, with representatives of well over 2 dozen places ...
he said a good number of performers were singers using just laptops for backing - BUT, he said they were very good, young, personable, and very interactive with the audience - he said one young male singer was really good and good looking and had a line of Activity Directors trying to book him ...
I realize that some of you, like Donny and Gary, have been doing this for YEARS as your only means of livelihood, and have developed a solid and well established base of clientele ... but there are guys like myself who only got into this after retiring from a '9 to 5' and have not had the years to develop those clients ...
So, the business as I've known it may be coming to an end,
but it has been a GREAT ride ...