The problem is too many people into the music business pigeonhole themselves into a specific category . So for example nursing home performers see primarily themselves as musicians to play in nursing homes and therefore don't look for opportunities outside of that. Wedding band musicians do the same. To survive in any business you have to have fingers in many pies and you need to be actively and continuously marketing yourselves in those areas to bring a steady income stream. For example my brother-in-law is a choir leader who is paid to instruct and to write and arrange music for about eight choirs in the London area. He also teaches music professionally eight times a year by organising seminars where people will pay up to £200 for a weekend in a hotel where he will provide intensive advanced keyboard and programming techniques. He also does session work for the BBC which is a large television network in the UK and he also performs live regularly at numerous clubs throughout London.he generates a combined income sufficient to take care of himself his family is home his car and save. He works very hard on his musical skills but most important, he works even harder at his business skills and is able to Leveridge sufficient pay for the work that he does to remain in control of his income (subject to the normal variations that comes with self employment ) .

It is by no means easy, but it is achievable